
This was quite a straightforward recovery of this flight from Poprad(Ganovce). There were some quite severe winds and I found this sonde and balloon in an old orchard and from the telemetry readings you can see that the temperature sensor did not survive the landing. You can see the record of the flight HERE Video… Continue reading S2810023


This was an exciting one 😀 It was my first sonde from Vienna. I was actually suprised to see it appear on my station data in the morning so decided to attempt to collect it. Sondehub Link Since it was in quite a flat area, I needed to get quite close before I was able… Continue reading T1610636


Today I had the privilege of going to watch how they release the 12Z sonde from Ganovce in Slovakia. I also asked them if they noticed the GPS issues from the previous day, which they did. Watching the whole process was quite interesting and I was especially amazed at the thoroughness of the knot 😁… Continue reading R5030709


This was a weird one… About halfway through the flight the number of satellites seen by the sonde started dropping. When it got to 6, it started giving timestamp errors. It then started sending out invalid GPS coordinates. You can view the flight path and sensor data for RS41-SGP R5020799 on the SondeHub tracker! https://sondehub.org/R5020799… Continue reading R5020799


This time was my first find in a corn-field…. Not the most enjoyable experience but at least I remembered to pack my boots before work. Enjoy my trek through the corn for this one. The satellite view showed an empty field… The reality was different 😀


This one was quite close to my house so I could go fetch it while walking the dog 😀 It also gave me a chance to test out the latest improvements on RDZsonde, which now can display all the meteo telemetry on the screen. I now have 3 TTGO devices, one is stationary with my… Continue reading R5030757


This one was close to my work and most of the balloon was intact. The sonde itself was slightly stuck in flower bushes but I recovered it finally.


This was quite an easy one. Still testing all the new functionalities of the RDZsonde firmware. Today I have muddy shoes at work because of this recovery 😀 Radiosondy link


Unfortunately another unsuccessful recovery in dense forest. Will post some videos later.. https://radiosondy.info/sonde_archive.php?sondenumber=R5031100

